
GoE2021 - P10 - Energy AND Medicine with Dr Eric Robins, MD

Discover the insights from Dr Eric Robins on the treatment of chronic pain at the end of a referral chain and what happens when ENERGY comes into play in a conjunction of energy AND medicine.

Dr Eric Robins on EMO Energy In Motion

GoE Trainer and experienced urologist and surgeon Dr Eric Robins has released a YouTube video entitled "25 Years of Mind Body Healing: What I Wish I Knew Back Then" which amongst other techniques, he expresses his praises for Silvia Hartmann's powerful modern energy healing technique; EMO Energy In Motion (formerly EmoTrance). Watch the video...

EMO Case Story: Dr Eric Robins‎ on Emotional Transformation

In this case story EMO Trainer & author   Dr Eric Robins   details a case with a lady complaining of medical issues. It is then revealed that marital strife may be to blame, and how EMO was used to leave the couple ever more in love!   Read on for the full story...

EMO Case Story: Physical & Emotional Pain - Part Two

Dr Eric Robins   shows once again how ET has helped people come off pain relief. He writes:   We ran this through several times until all blockages related to her mother were gone, then we reached an energized end state. I saw her two months later and she looked like a different person. All of her pain was about 70% better, she was off of all pain medications. Read on for the full case study...

EMO Case Story: Physical & Emotional Pain - Part One

EMO Trainer & author Dr Eric Robins writes:  I took him through ET, we ran it several times until he reached the energized end state. I saw him back about 1 month later, he told me the pain was 80% improved and that he was off of all narcotics, and that when thinking about the pain now, it just doesn't affect him and grip him like it had in the past. Read on for the full case study...

EMO Case Story: Plagued by Panic

Over on, Dr Eric Robins, an EMO Trainer, medical doctor and author, has written a case story that shows  just how quick EMO can work, even when facing a problem that has been engrained in the client's energy system for 5 years. Read on for the full case story...

EMO Case Story: Plagued by Panic Attacks

EMO Trainer & author Dr. Eric Robins shows just how quick EMO can work, even when facing a problem that has been engrained in the client's energy system for 5 years. Dr Robins writes:  About one month ago I was seeing a gentleman in the emergency room. We got to talking about some of the mind-body healing stuff that I do. His wife perked up and asked me if I thought EMO could help her.